Welcome to our Loyalty Program
We are excited to introduce our Loyalty Program, designed to reward our valued customers with exclusive discounts. With every purchase, you earn points that can be redeemed for discount codes to use on future orders. Here's how it works.
How the program works:
For every $1 (or €1) spent, you will earn 1 point. For example, if you purchase a t-shirt for €50 you will receive 50 points credited to your account. Once you reach specific point thresholds, you'll be rewarded with discount codes as outlined below.
Loyalty Points thresholds and rewards:
- 100 points – Receive a €5 discount code.
- 250 points – Receive a €20 discount code.
- 500 points – Receive a €45 discount code.
- 750 points – Receive a €75 discount code.
- 1000 points – Receive a €125 discount code.
- 1500 points – Receive a €185 discount code.
- 2000 points – Receive a €250 discount code.
- 3000 points – Receive a €400 discount code.
- 5000 points – Receive a €750 discount code.
How to join:
To access our Loyalty Program, you simply need to create an account on our website using your email and a password. Once registered, you'll be able to start earning points right away.
Additional ways to earn points:
In addition to purchases, there are a few other ways to earn points:
- Sign-Up Customer : receive 5 bonus points when you create your account
- Birthday Bonus : receive 15 bonus points on your birthday
- Social Media Fan : receive 2 points for following us on Facebook, Instagram & TikTok
Start accumulating points today and enjoy exclusive rewards with every purchase. Log in to your account to track your points and get closer to your next discount!
If you have any questions about our Loyalty Program, feel free to reach out to our customer service team for assistance.